Yesterday – August 25th, 2016, in Reno, Nevada – Hillary Clinton introduced a new term into mainstream politics: the Alternative Right.
The first time I saw this video, I honestly mistook her voice for a computer generated sim.
They sound like a scary bunch, don’t they? Racist, race-baiting, conspiracy-theorist, dark-net people, who bully feminists online… so who are they exactly? Well: yours truly, for one. Traditional Catholic, scholar, dog-owner, ex-military, patriotic science fiction author – yup, lil’ old me. Heck, I’ve been writing under this label since before it was even coined – literally!
Now I realize that telling you all about myself doesn’t tell you much about the Alt Right, but I think it’s a good starting point. You see, the Alt Right isn’t an idea, per se – it’s an alternative to the mainstream choices. It’s an anti-label, if anything. Those who embrace the label – the hashtag – aren’t embracing an identity so much as they are rejecting a false choice. They’re sick of the left-versus-right paradigm where everything needs to conform to some sort of Hegelian dialectic. They’re sick of being told that the circumstances of their birth mean that they’re guilty of something. They’re sick of gambling in a casino where the house always wins.
In other words: they’re sick of the status quo.
Let me ask you something, gentle reader: how much independent research do you do? And how much do you trust the mainstream media? According to the statistics (which are published by the mainstream media) trust in the Fourth Estate is at an all time low. We haven’t seen a media this corrupt since the decline and fall of Rome, and that is according to the media itself. The real situation is almost certainly worse. Those who’ve been entrusted with investigating and verifying the claims of politicians have, instead, been acting as political agents to cover up the multitude of self-serving lies which the establishment is putting out. Those of us who’ve been pulling at the loose threads have started discovering some very worrying – and incontrovertible – facts which force some existential questions upon our civilization as a whole. For example:
- The divorce rate is over 50%,
- Reproductive rates are roughly 1.5 per couple (2.1 is replacement),
- Manufacturing (and other wealth generating industries) are moving overseas,
- 8 years of the worst economy in American history (worse than the Great Depression),
- Women report the lowest levels of happiness since we started tracking this metric 70 years ago,
- Men are dropping out, choosing porn and video games over hostile workplaces and a winner-take-all dating market focused on casual sex, and;
- There is no plan to pay for Social Security.
Things are bad – really bad – for the Millenial generation. The old institutions that used to guide young people through life – churches, the extended community, and just plain old cultural norms – have been replaced with predatory institutions which seek to maximize their own profit by exploiting their clients. On the one hand you have the various welfare industries, keeping people in poverty so that a bureaucratic class can stay employed; on the other hand you have consumerism, driving young people to mortgage their futures in exchange for short-term gratification.
Both the mainstream left and the mainstream right – the Democrats and the Republicans – are on board with this institutionalization of “rape and pillage” economics. The Republicans are on board with the military-industrial complex, and they’re more than happy to bail out the banks; the Democrats are on board with the hedonism/degeneracy culture, and more than happy to enable poverty. The Alt Left, meanwhile, pinned their hopes on Bernie Sanders. They wanted the promises of the Democrats – unlimited resources, a world without strife or war, open borders and circle jerks, more free money for useless degrees – only to have their democratic selection taken from them at the last moment.
Cake yesterday, cake tomorrow, but always bread today; the Alt Left demanded cake today, but the simple fact of the matter is that there isn’t enough money to pay for it.
The Alt Right, meanwhile, has been betrayed by mainstream conservatism too often to take their promises seriously. We’ve been seeing – no, not seeing, experiencing the effects of the decline first-hand. No jobs. No wives. Broken promises. Useless educations. A constant barrage of insulting rhetoric from Hollywood and corporate HR departments, telling us that White Men have an Evil Gene, that we’re what makes the world horrible.
And we’ve had enough of it.
The Alt Right is a varied bunch; we’re primarily a reactionary movement, united more by our rejection of the false narrative being promoted by the mainstream, than by any unity of purpose. What we’re sick of is lies. What we want is opportunity. And it’s the sort of opportunity that we can find with our own wherewithal – ultimately we want to be left alone.
What commonalities we have are situational; while the establishment exploited useful idiots for votes, we were left on the sidelines. The Alt Right is a coalition of:
- High-IQ, blue-collar Whites – as well as the high-IQ Blacks and Mexicans who reject ghettoization,
- Patriots and Nationalists, who don’t want to ship jobs overseas for the sake of economic ideology,
- Isolationists, who are sick of wasting American lives on wars which benefit the oil companies, while destabilizing the globe,
- Traditionalists, who are opposed to the “Whatever makes you feel good!” sickness of modern culture,
- Historians, who understand the fall of Rome, and see the same forces at play in today’s world,
- NEETs (No Education, Employment, or Training) who have nothing better to do than point out the failings of a society who rejected them, and;
- Nihilists, who have no hope for themselves or the future, but figure they can get some chuckles out of watching Rome burn.
Let’s be frank; we’re a rough and ornery bunch. I have personally been outspoken in my criticisms of the nihilists… but I know where they come from. After all, I’ve lived through it too. No jobs, no wives, not even good video games anymore – every form of media must remind us that White men are evil, and that we oppressed women since time began – and you wonder why they post rude images on Twitter?
We’re crass and no-nonsense, but we’re far from the incoherent terrorists that Hillary would love to paint us as. If you want to see racially-motivated incoherent violence – well, just look at Black Lives Matter. Or – for that matter – ISIS, a group which was created by a foolish foreign policy, and which benefits the current status quo; a group which is funded by the exact same Saudis who fund Hillary herself.
Hillary says that the Alt Right – and, by virtue of them, Donald Trump – is for a theocracy? Oh, the irony… we’re opposed to a theocratic system which dictates values upon the citizenry – whether it be Sharia Law, or a secular order which demands that Christians bake Dildo Cakes. She says that she’s for the First Amendment, while working to silence members of the Alt Right for “Hate Speech” and “Crimethink”.
Hillary Clinton has become the embodiment of everything wrong with both the Republicans and the Democrats. On the one hand, she loves the sort of foreign wars and CIA subterfuge which destabilizes nations; on the other, she promotes government dependency, and controlled information.
The Alt Right contains 50 year old lawyers and 15 year old Meme Lords, and we’re not always the friendliest of folks, but even at our worst – our most nihilistic – we still have a love of life. As for Hillary Clinton, well…
50 deaths in 15 years.
Choose life. Choose the Alternative Right.
If you’re wondering what GamerGate is all about, click here to watch my documentary, Immersed in Subversion.
If you want to see my immediate analysis of Hillary’s speech, click here to listen to my livestream with Matt Forney.
The post An Introduction to the Alt Right appeared first on Stares at the World.